The farm
Posta Santa Croce is surrounded by ten hectares of land, set in idyllic countryside, where you can walk, pick and taste the fruit from the trees.
Cherries, fioroni, pears, plums, grapes, prickly pears, white and red mulberries, pomegranates and almonds are at your disposal and if you really want to experience the countryside you can participate in the olive or cherry harvest.
You will be fascinated by the lights and colours of our land, by the intensity of its taste and smell in every season. You will find the ancient taste of simplicity.
Cesare Brandi in his “Pellegrino di Puglia” (Pilgrim in Apulia) wrote:
«No other land is more festive than this, it’s like a circle of children, like the benevolent picture in a fairytale, like the planet of a privileged and innocent age.
But it is also like a silent ringing echoing, in the heart, soothed and sudden memories of merry mornings and festive picnics, of a lost period of life found again, like a dress at the bottom of a drawer or a flower inside a book.
It’s like our childhood and the childhood of the land, inflamed with light and fresh air, like a long run with lungs swallowing everything, the green, the blue, the vine leaves and the carobs.
This and nothing less this countryside gives»
«…there were the ghosts, openly, without subterfuge. Night and day. Solid ghosts, everywhere, still and several :
the stones.
The stones that the Apulia land keeps as the ghosts of its past, of a unknown and pre-human history.
The farmer lifts up bunches of them: than he chooses, dispenses, builds walls like a mosaic, without mortar; he builds “trulli” and “pagliare”.
Wherever you go, in Apulia, you can see stones, gathering, looking for each others, arranged as if they were magnets.»