

«The discovery will never end, because Apulia is like a morning, a clear morning with a liquid sun: and even if the morning is always the same you will never get bored of it. There is always something new in its endless charm» (Cesare Brandi, Pellegrino di Puglia).

Posta Santa Croce is in Bisceglie countryside, in an archaeological area: a ten minutes walk will take you to the prehistoric Dolmen della Chianca, a megalithic stone perfectly preserved.

The city of Bisceglie has a peculiar medieval historic centre, a Cathedral and two small Roman style churches (S. Margherita and S. Adoeno), a charming coast with pebbles and rock and some beaches. There’s nothing better, in Bisceglie, then visiting one of the many oil mills and in some of them you can also have dinner. In some of them you can also have a dinner.

From Posta Santa Croce, by car, you can easily reach cities of art such as Trani, with its splendid cathedral overlooking the sea, Ruvo di Puglia, with the Jatta museum, and Barletta, with the splendid castle and Palazzo della Marra. , which houses the paintings of the impressionist painter De Nittis, about which we advise you to see and listen to the video on the side, made by the students of the Nicola Garrone artistic high school in Barletta with Prof. Bianca Consiglio (for us Aunt Bianca), introduced and shared here by Prof. Claudio Strinati. You are in the heart of the Apulia of the Emperor Federico II of Swabia, full of medieval castles and Roman style churches: in a 30 minutes drive you can reach the mysterious Castel del Monte, perfect geometry based on the number 8 repeated in every part of the castle, aiming at the Infinite; and it seems to reach the Infinite with the eyes, in some clear days, looking outside the windows of the castle at the immense panorama around.

In 1 hour drive you can reach Matera, the city of stones, famous for being the set of the movie “The passion”.

There’s still more to do, from the Battle of Canne to the Greek city of Taranto, from Venosa, Orazio’s town, to Bari, the catholic and orthodox city of Saint Nicola. There is also Alberobello, Ostuni, Melfi, the Castle of Lagopesole and the beautiful coast of Pulsano, all places you can reach in one hour drive from Posta Santa Croce. But a journey is above all discovery so we won’t say anymore…